Since 1911, FBISD has become a nationally-recognized school district of choice, providing innovative programming at all levels of education.
The 2022 accountability ratings demonstrate that all 82 campuses of the District – 11 high schools, 15 middle schools and 51 elementary campuses–are all experiencing positive growth.
FBISD offers two Early College High School programs which offer an innovative blend of high school and college coursework that enable students to earn tuition-free college credits.
Whole Child Health Initiative
This initiative seeks to align systems of support that enhance students’ cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. This effort builds upon the district’s Healthi Kids campaign from 11 years ago that highlighted childhood healthy weight, increased physical activity and safer schools and neighborhoods.
The initiative’s expanded ten-component Whole School, Whole Community and Whole Child (WSCC) model demonstrates how learning and health are inextricably linked. Each of its ten components are carefully aligned so as to demonstrate how health and safety are essential components of creating environments where students truly can learn.
FBISD Skyward Board of Trustees approved campus prevention resources designed to promote student and staff wellness on all campuses. In order to protect our students’ and staff’s health, FBISD continues to implement all local health protocols including isolation guidance as well as require self-report testing positive for COVID-19 using our Wellness Screener in order to receive information regarding when their return may occur.
Career and Technical Education
Career and technical education (formerly vocational education) provides students with an educational pathway that enables them to pursue their interests, passions, and dreams. Available across middle school, high school, postsecondary institutions like community or technical colleges as well as online education courses it equips students with skills relevant to 16 distinct careers fields.
CTE programs of study align with real workplace competencies and offer a rigorous sequence of courses that include internships and job shadowing opportunities. Participants in these programs can earn industry-recognized certificates upon graduating high school or entering college.
Some educators and school reformers believe that CTE provides an accessible learning experience for many students, including those with special needs. It makes academic subjects easier for all types of learners from diverse ages and backgrounds.
College Preparatory Education
As our nation becomes more college-focused, many schools utilize the term “college preparatory.” While this label may serve as an attractive selling point for elite boarding schools that send graduates on to Ivy League universities or inner-city charters that guarantee every graduate admission to four-year schools, in reality the term is often applied to schools that do little more than standard procedures to prepare their students for higher education.
At Gateway High School in San Francisco, for instance, postsecondary education is front and center. All freshmen visit colleges during their first year in high school, and also participate in a semester-long course that introduces different careers and majors.
College prep programs should provide more than challenging curriculum; they must also develop students’ essential skills necessary for higher education, such as critical thinking, writing and reading proficiency and the ability to learn independently.
Personalized Learning
Personalized learning entails adapting learning activities to an individual’s unique needs and interests, while supporting larger school community goals. This approach emphasizes meaningful relationships with students that help them thrive both inside the classroom as well as beyond it.
Teachers need the appropriate tools at their disposal in order to make personalized learning a reality, which means using an LMS such as Schoology. With its intuitive features, teachers can spend less time managing students and more time teaching with this powerful platform.
Integrating data and artificial intelligence into educational environments is at the core of personalized learning, helping identify gaps in student performance and determine appropriate next steps to address any deficiencies in their abilities. Furthermore, personalized learning provides educators with data needed to relate new concepts more readily with previous experience, thus improving comprehension. It allows teachers to deliver flexible instruction like small group discussions, multimedia content, digital activities, e-learning applications or similar programs and increase student outcomes and engagement simultaneously.